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Amy's Back!

Ya'll. I so was excited to be invited back for the 100th episode of Fantastic Realms that I can't wait to tell you about it! I joined tons of other super talented guests for a must hear episode hosted by Salida's fantasy experts, Dave Haynes and Terry West. Here's a list of the all the guests and where to find them.

Comic Artist and creator Ozzie Longoria! (Check out his Sword and the Sorcerer Indiegogo campaign here)

Chain Mail Artist and "Voice of God" Metalyssa!

Artist Naters!

Yours truly: Artist, Amy Elizabeth!

and Matt Mr. Comics 89!

But on to what you came here for. You can check out the podcast below to find out for yourself, and trust me, you don't want to miss it. I won't give too many spoilers but if you want to know more about the upcoming Salida Fantasy Con on July 31st you definitely want to check it out.

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